Shoe Toss is a cheap, simple and effective game that can be used from the stage to smaller groups and even at your school programs. It is guaranteed to get participants to volunteer because it is easy, fast paced and doesn’t require much effort. This game surely will get the crowed behind it.

The basic setup is just two chairs, two bottles and the contestant’s shoes. The layout is a centre strip, with the two bottles in the middle and the each chair either side of the strip.



The aim of the game is to get the contestants to run to the chair, take off their shoes and try and hit the bottle in the middle.

There is so many variations that you could make out of this game! If you have a small group you can split the room into two teams and pair members up with the other team and call them out to battle by their paired number (Similar variation the the example below) or if it is a large group of people, you could call out just two volunteers. Other alterations could include, blind folding them, making them walk on their knees or adding more bottles or contestants. The variations are endless!!

Check out this example from a missions team that played it with a group of young people on a youth camp!

Shoe Toss Video Example