Matthew 11: 28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.“
This year there has been a lot of time to ‘rest’. Staying at home when we used to go to Youth & Church every week and all the events we missed in between. But here we are at the end of the year and a lot of us would be feeling exhausted and ready for holidays! So while you’re on holidays let’s take time to really rest. Don’t just spend the whole time binging Netflix (surely we watched enough in iso) but take some time out with God.
Don’t feel disappointed in life or ministry about 2020. No one expected the year to look like this, no ones year was how they planned. But going into 2021 we can experience a really amazing rest. We can go into the year feeling confident, ready for our personal lives to do great, our youth ministries to flourish, our families to be strong and see incredible growth in our lives if we set up these holidays right for ourselves.
Spend time with your family and friends these holidays. Make up for everything that didn’t happen in 2020. Spend time seeking God- ask Him what this next year will look like for you personally and for your youth ministry.
As ‘restful’ as it might seem to binge movies for hours, or go for a run or go on our phones on insta, it doesn’t leave you feeling a real rest. It’s temporary and it won’t leave you as rested as you need. The only way you will feel a real rest going into 2021 is spending time with God and meditating on the word and passages such as Matthew 11. So do that these holidays! Prioritise this time and get ready to charge into the next year ready for all that God has for you and your youth min!