When it comes to running a youth camp or an event outside of your building we all have a budget that we need to stick to. If your church does not have its own portable stages, it would mean that you may end up having a stage set up for your “out of the building” event that you’re not entirely happy with. After all, to hire a stage it can become very costly. Below are some different ways to build your own portable stages for camps and events that are not in your normal building. This will help to spend money in other areas instead of hiring a stage


Cut the table legs to the height you want using an angle grinder. Tape the legs together with electrical tape so they don’t move when you’re jumping on them and then put some old carpet over the top.

2. Drum Risers

Made from the crate an air conditioner is shipped in. Just chop it in half and then put some particle board on top.

3. Shipping Pallet Stage

These pallets are available in most places for free if you know who to ask. Look online at your local classifieds. Usually, someone is trying to get rid of these for free. Once you have enough pallets just put some “Yellow Tongue” flooring sheets on top & you’re done.

4. Milk Crate Staging

This is by far one of the easiest and cost-effective methods of building a portable stage. Pick up some old milk crates for free from a milk factory or shopping centre & zip tie them together. Then put some type of timber on top, throw some rugs over it and you’re done.

If you want it to be higher just do two layers of milk crates instead of one layer.