Most Youth Pastors would agree that there is a good way and a bad way to transition out of Youth Ministry. As a leader, If you’ve come to the stage when you feel that it’s time to transition out of Youth Ministry here are a few things to think about and a few suggestions on how to leave well.
If you’re having feelings that your time is coming to an end, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

1. The more notice you give your Youth Pastor the better.
If you’re in a position to give extra long notice, do so. One of the best things you can do is let your pastor know that you’re feeling your time is up early so they have time to plan for this change within their team .

2. Leave a replacement.
If you know you are leaving make sure you train someone up who can carry the responsibilities you’ve carried.

3. Never be the cause of an exodus
If you’re leaving, don’t encourage others to leave with you.

4. Continue to speak well of the Pastor you were serving under after you’ve left.
Bitterness is a very unattractive quality. Guard your heart from bitterness & your tongue from speaking it. Speak well of the leaders you’ve served under.