There are so many questions connected to what’s needed when going to the next level. What tools will I need? Who can help me? Do I have what it takes? What needs refining, changing or to be deleted from my world? These question, and a thousand more are ones which we can ask over numerous seasons of life. Whether it’s returning to study, starting new employment, or a life or ministry adventure.

So, here’s the 3 things I wish someone had told me, before I set out on a journey of expansion:

You’ve got this!

In times of expansion it’s easy to look at what we seem to be struggling with. But, what we really need to hear is ‘you’ve got this’ It seems so simple, but at times we need someone to give us a little pep talk. And then sometimes we need to be the person giving ourselves that same talk. We need to know that we’ve got it, and even when we don’t, God does! That’s what matters the most – right? Why not give yourself a “you can do this” chat, it goes something like this:

You can achieve so much more than you’ve ever given yourself credit for. You have this untapped potential. There are amazing possibilities at your fingertips, expansion is going to show your friends, family and maybe even you what you are made of. But, know this for sure, God is never going to be surprised by the array of things you can achieve. You know it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed, quit or struggled with things in your life, because God sees the you, the real you, under all the junk and expectation you heap upon yourself. You are valuable and you’ve got this!

Then, it would be helpful to hear these words – yep it will be hard, you’ll be stretched – so just own it. We’ve all heard analogies of irritation forming pearls and pressure forming diamonds. All to often we run from the difficulty in a time of growth. Instead of squaring our shoulders and facing it, we shrink back. For me, a great expansion was going back to study. The little girl who could not read, was going back again to study, this time her Graduate Diploma. The default was to think that I was still eight years old and couldn’t read or comprehend. But the truth is I can read, and while I’m not a natural student, with discipline, strategy and support I can excel in study. It was difficult, hard and confronting, but that’s what made the accomplishment worth it.


Speaking of which, that’s the third thing to know; It’s Worth It!

There is a strange excitement that underlies a time of expansion, it may be tough, you may doubt yourself and it may feel like it’s beyond your capabilities. But don’t shy from it – face it full on. It will be worth it!


This article was written by Ps Erinruth Smith, part of the CRC Training team. CRC Training want to equip you to Step Into Your Calling