We don’t know about you but there are definitely days when there is too much screen time in this season! Zoom calls, Facetime, texts, social media, Disney +, Netflix. So when it comes to a Friday night no wonder it’s difficult to engage in a Zoom call at times!
We’ve been thinking about this and how to help each other out with Zoom fatigue right now. Let’s make use of the screen time and lets not just use Zoom for Friday nights.
So here’s a few thoughts we have on keeping switched on during this season;
Spend time off screens for things you like doing for yourself! This might be a walk, reading, working in the garage, painting or baking etc. It’s easy to just fall back into watching show after show. But with the amount of screen time we are all getting it’s good to have time away from the screens right now!
There is no way to fully avoid screens right now, so with the time that you are on screens, spend some time with friends. So that going on zoom isn’t just associated with work or just Friday nights. We’ve discovered you can make a bunch of things work on zoom! Baking, games (we like codenames- see our zoom games post for links and more ideas), watch a movie together, play playstation etc. Don’t do this time alone or get complacent being alone all the time. We all need people!
Everyone has those ‘dont have time’ skills or activities, well now we do have time! Maybe you want to start your own small business, want to work on your preaching skills or song writing skills or start your own youtube channel! Whatever it is, spend some time in this season developing and learning skills that will increase your repertoire.
This is always an essential thing but even more during this time. We need God to refresh us and by spending time with Him we are reminded why we do what we do. We are reminded of the why behind the Facetimes, texts and Zooms. We are doing this to bring our teens closer to God and show them what it’s like to live a life sold out and dedicated to Him, especially during a time like this one! Refocus yourself each day towards Him.