Traits of a Great Team Member

We spend a lot of time speaking and thinking about our own spiritual growth. But are we putting in the practical steps to outwork our character as team members/leaders?

We can pray all that we want for God to impart to us the fruit of the Spirit, but there is a requirement for us to put our faith into action and take some practical steps towards expanding our character.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many more traits that can be beneficial to a team.


A great team member has a fervent desire for their team to fulfil their purpose.

The first step to commitment is the understanding of purpose. The greater the understanding of purpose the easier it is to commit to something.

In the context of church, our commitment comes from our understanding that what we do is not just simply a role; it holds a greater weight and purpose. If you serve within your local church I would encourage you to choose to be deliberate in your understanding that what you do is a ministry. Your role in your team is a key to the success of the mission of the Church.

When we understand that our role within a team goes beyond just a list of tasks or responsibilities and understand that our role is key to seeing the team reach its purpose, the easier it is to remain committed.


A great team member is consistent.

Not all in one week, and then absent the next. A great team member always strives to be excellent, consistently.

A team can depend on a consistent team member because they know what to expect. A team cannot depend on an inconsistent team member because they do not know what to expect from them.

Do you always bring your best to your team? Or do you leave your team guessing about which version of yourself is going to be present today?

Be consistent.


A great team member follows through on what they say that they are going to do.

Can you be relied upon to fulfil your role within your team?

If you do what you say you are going to do then it helps the whole team function at a greater level. If the rest of the team has to cover for you when you don’t follow through with what you said you would, then the team as a whole does not function to its greatest capacity.


A great team member understands that they don’t always know the answer. You have to be able to take other people’s ideas, suggestions and critiques on board in a constructive way.

Even if you believe that you are right, a lot can be learned from attempting to understand another person’s point of view. There is always something to be gleaned from the people around you.

Have the attitude that the people surrounding you can help shape you to become the best version of yourself. What can you learn from your team?


Definition – The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner

A great team member takes responsibility for their actions, owns up to their mistakes and learns from them.

A great team member is vulnerable regarding their outcomes. Being honest about your outcomes allows for the team to develop as a team. Being honest when you aren’t sure what to do allows the team to work together to achieve greater.


A great team member is faithful to their leaders.

You won’t always agree with what they are saying. But be faithful in service to them. Don’t talk about your leaders behind their back, always be supportive of your leaders. If you have an issue with them, speak to them! Nothing constructive has ever come out of complaining about leaders to peers.


A great team member is communicative. They don’t leave things until it is too late to talk about them. Great team members communicate effectively. Remember, that great communication is two-way. It is as important that we listen to our peers as it is that we speak up when we need to.


A great team member is encouraging of those working with them. The communicative basis of peers should not be of critique or advice, but of encouragement.

A great team member lets other team members know when they are doing a great job, and always approaches other team members with a positive attitude.

Encouragement goes a long way in bringing the best out of people, so when you see something great that someone else has done, or the attitude with which they are approaching a certain task then encourage them in it. Don’t let encouragement go unspoken.


These are just some of the traits that I believe are key to being an effective team member. By doing your best to fulfil your role in the team and increasing your level of effectiveness, it can have a flow-on effect throughout the rest of the team.

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